remember to click start new collection on the fashion hobby collection once you have got all the pieces

have at least one sim at level 6 or working on getting to level 6 (maybe do the 12 hour option) so all designs are u nlocked (don’t know if you already got a sim to level 6? If you have previously completed the collection you reached level 6 or you can see when you look at the hobby collection, if boxes are greyed out you haven’t completed it yet) if you can, do the 10 minute option over and over, you will find the most designs this way (once you have a sim at level 6) it is easier if you have all the sims in one house, maybe build a room for them so they are all together but you don’t have to! have more than one sim working on it, you can have as many sims as you want completing this hobby at once but you will need a fashion studio for each of them TIPS FOR FINDING THEM ALL IN THE TIME LIMIT: NOTE: YOU NEED TO COMPLETE ALL FOUR ROWS TO GET ONE HAIRSTYLE!! 12 FASHION PIECES= COMPLETE COLLECTION AND UNLOCKS 1 HAIRSTYLE Once you have said yes you now need to complete the collection nine times but you will not get extra time if you start late

If you say no you can start it from the goal tab: You need to firstly accept this event, it will remove the fashion pieces you have already created from the collection so you don’t get a head start. You need to buy a fashion studio from the promotions r us store to complete this hobby If you got some hairstyles last time you will start from the point you reached so if you got 5 last time you only need to complete the collection 4 times this time. If you haven’t done the fashion designer hobby before click here for details. You get a new hairstyle each time you complete it, once you unlock a hairstyle you get to keep it even if you don’t find them all.

To get all of these 9 long hairstyles you need to complete the fashion designer hobby collection 9 times in 7 days. It is available from the 5th June for all those players who didn’t manage to complete it before or who weren’t playing when this event was previously available (if you completed this before you will not get this event again) The boutique hair event is back again for 7 days.