Bayonetta hit YouTube, Kamiya labeled the battle as garbage. Also, he absolutely hates being asked the same question more than once.

He wasn't involved in later Devil May Cry games, and only supervised the production of Bayonetta 2. note He's only interested in talking about their debut games, which he personally directed. Not only that, he's frustrated at the large amount of tweets he gets from fans about who would win, despite how he isn't directly involved with either character at this point. Allegedly, he prefers to see the two team up rather than fight. Unfortunately, it lead to Kamiya tweeting in very strong disapproval of the battle not soon after. Ben Singer even retweeted Kamiya's response, but has since taken it down.

Adored by the Network: Very much adored by ScrewAttack's former holding company, Fullscreen, to the point of merging ScrewAttack's Hard News with Rooster Teeth's so ScrewAttack could focus on more DEATH BATTLE! ScrewAttack has since shut down and rebranded as DEATH BATTLE!.Both Gogeta and Vegito were voiced by both Michael Kovach and Lanipator, as the two are fusions of Goku and Vegeta.Red VS Blue has Church and Lopez, both voiced by Burnie Burns.Twilight Sparkle has both characters voiced by Kira Buckland (possibly as a nod to both characters being originally voiced by Tara Strong).